Believe, Breathe, Be. Breathwork & Sound Immersion
It’s a wild,wild world, especially during the holiday season. Take time out of your busy schedule to go in and envelop yourself with a sense of safety and ease through this unique offering. We’ll practice the neuroscience based technique of self havening to amplify a state of being that you want to cultivate more of in your life. Havening will inform easeful, pleasurable movement which will organically transition to breath for a transformative and relaxing Restorative Breathwork® practice. Your heart will sing with each breath cycle and bring you closer and closer to that which you seek...that which you already are.
Join Martha Kastler, certified yoga teacher and Restorative Breathwork® facilitator accompanied by Certified Vibrational Sound Practitioner, Cheryl Murphy for this beautiful opportunity to Believe, Breath, and Be.
Saturday, December 14th from1:00-3:30